What is the concept of whitening? How to whiten best?

 Melanin is a protein found in the basal layer of everyone's skin. Ultraviolet rays will cause changes in melanin to produce a substance that protects the skin, and then the melanin moves through the layers of cell metabolism to the epidermis of the skin, forming the skin problems we see such as pigmentation and uneven skin tone.

Most whitening products on the market are based on vitamin C. Ellagic acid has extremely high antioxidant properties, which can help the skin inhibit and regulate the production of melanin, and reduce the appearance of dark spots.

In addition to choosing whitening products, it is also important: starting from the external protection of the skin from ultraviolet rays, sun care should be done throughout the year. You should use sunscreen regardless of whether you work indoors or outdoors, and outdoors in hot summer At times, be sure to bring a parasol and sunglasses with UV protection.

What foods can whiten?

Peas, white radish, carrots, asparagus, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, bean sprouts, loofah, cucumber, winter melon.

It turns out that there are secret recipes for whitening masks! Hurry up and give it a try!

Milk mask, red wine mask, tofu mask, bitter gourd mask, black tea mask, egg mask, loofah mask, watermelon mask, tomato mask, rose mask, apple mask, vinegar and egg white mask, banana mask, lettuce mask, mung bean powder mask.

Save money and simple whitening maintenance method

1. Distillers lees + warm water Use appropriate amount of warm water to adjust the frozen distiller’s lees (be careful not to make it too thin), and then apply it on your face for 8 minutes, it’s OK, but you have to try it on your hands first. !

2. Sweet fermented rice noodles Take an appropriate amount of sweet fermented rice dumplings and grind the rice inside, then put down the compressed mask or mask paper to let it absorb, and a whitening mask is complete! Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and it’s OK~ Remember to try it!

3. Sake lotion The sake we usually drink when we eat Japanese food is also a good helper for whitening. After washing your face, just put the sake on your face with a cotton pad and wait until it is absorbed before applying night cream or other skin care products.

Beauty tips, fast whitening is easy to have baby-like skin!

1. Diet: reject any spicy, fried food. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.

2. Sleep: Go to bed before 11:00 every day.

3. Exercise for one hour each morning and evening.

As the saying goes, there are only lazy women and no ugly women. This is the most logical saying to become beautiful! Women who want to be beautiful must take constant care every day! Through these whitening and maintenance methods introduced above, girls can easily become beautiful!

Because of the traditional beauty concept of "one white covering three ugliness", girls have a persistent pursuit of whitening. Various whitening products and whitening methods emerge in endlessly, please judge carefully and choose suitable whitening methods.

Make yourself beautiful and happy to see it! You can make yourself in a good mood every day! If you want to be beautiful, there is no shortcut! The whitening and maintenance process is not only a pleasant thing, but also can make yourself more confident from the process! Look forward to becoming a beautiful girl! If you like this article, just like it and share it!





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