
What is the concept of whitening? How to whiten best?

 Melanin is a protein found in the basal layer of everyone's skin. Ultraviolet rays will cause changes in melanin to produce a substance that protects the skin, and then the melanin moves through the layers of cell metabolism to the epidermis of the skin, forming the skin problems we see such as pigmentation and uneven skin tone. Most whitening products on the market are based on vitamin C. Ellagic acid has extremely high antioxidant properties, which can help the skin inhibit and regulate the production of melanin, and reduce the appearance of dark spots. In addition to choosing whitening products, it is also important: starting from the external protection of the skin from ultraviolet rays, sun care should be done throughout the year. You should use sunscreen regardless of whether you work indoors or outdoors, and outdoors in hot summer At times, be sure to bring a parasol and sunglasses with UV protection. What foods can whiten? Peas, white radish, carrots, asparagus, sweet pota

The correct steps of makeup for girls, novices must see the detailed makeup steps

 Makeup can make girls more confident, but for many girls, the makeup steps are still easy to make mistakes. Today, let’s take a look at the correct steps for makeup to see if you have done it right? There are so many cosmetics and cumbersome makeup steps. Have you done every step right? Today we take a look at the correct steps for girls to make up. First of all, the order of full makeup is [skin care → base makeup → trim → eye makeup → lip makeup], then I will talk about skin care. The first step: basic skin care Before applying makeup, basic skin care should be performed. The specific steps are cleansing → lotion → lotion → sunscreen. The texture is also used in the order of lightness to heavy. Step 2: Facial makeup-base makeup There are four main steps for foundation makeup: makeup primer → foundation → concealer → makeup setting. Among them, makeup primer is often mentioned as isolation. It is divided into several functions: pore countermeasure type, water and oil adjustment type,


 名人发型师马克·汤森德(Mark Townsend)说,您可以怪罪每个月头发仅增长1/2英寸,而且前提是您的头发已经处于极健康的状态,并且分叉的末端最少。不过,好消息是,如果您觉得头发生长不够快-不管是由于热损伤,遗传,激素引起的,您都可以做一些事情来帮助加快进程一点。 要记住的最大事情是?健康的头发=更长的头发,因此您想将有害的习惯(例如:每天早上去白金或熨平头发)换成健康的习惯(请参阅:滋润头皮和深层调理)。未来,皮肤科医生,摩擦学家和发型师将权衡最好的方法来更快地生长头发。而且,要点是,如果您仍然觉得自己的头发没有以适当的速度生长,那么与医生预约约会以选择自己的聊天方式绝不是一个坏主意。 尝试咖啡因治疗以增加头发 事实证明,如果您想要延长头发的长度,咖啡因是一种非常好的成分。而且,不,我不是说每天早上多喝一杯咖啡,而是在您的发型设计中添加咖啡因加香的护发产品。据皮肤科医生Dhaval G. Bhanusali博士说,咖啡因不仅有助于刺激血液流向头皮(这对头发生长至关重要),而且还可以抵消DHT(造成脱发的激素)。 请注意,尽管一夜之间您不会发现头发的密度或长度有任何差异-咖啡因通常需要两到三个月的时间才能产生效果。因此,如果出现以下情况,请尽快使用其中一种洗发剂,头皮精华液或免洗剂。您需要更长,更浓密的头发: 专注于头皮护理 如果您想快速长发,则需要注意头皮。 “相对于头皮,皮肤最重要的两个层是真皮和表皮-真皮包含我们的毛囊,腺体,神经,血管,胶原蛋白,弹性蛋白纤维和脂肪细胞,” Trichologist布里奇特·希尔(Bridgette Hill)说。 Paul Labrecque Salon and Skincare Spa的调色师和调色师。 “在头发护理程序中引入适当的头皮护理会影响头发的生长速度和头发纤维的健康。” 希尔说,当您照顾好头皮时,实际上是在确保血液和营养物质能够轻松流到毛囊中,从而最大程度地减少脱落和流失。那么,头皮护理到底对您来说是什么样?好吧,对于初学者来说,您将需要购买头皮油,面膜或精华素。 希尔说:“我更喜欢油类或面霜基的面膜,而不是粒状的去角质剂,因为头皮磨砂膏中的粗糙成分实际上会在头皮上产生微擦痕,从而导致有害细菌和真菌的产生。”呃,绝对不是理想的选择。相反,应使用油或面膜以及刺激头皮的成分,例如薄荷油,茶树油或柑桔类油,以帮

Six popular first love hairstyles

 Who doesn't like sweet girls? First love hairstyles are designed for you. This type of hairstyle will make people feel refreshed and student-like, especially suitable for student parties. After doing this hairstyle, they look several years younger. How do the popular first love hairstyles look like this year? These six first love hairstyles make you beautiful and youthful. Popular first love hairstyles 1. Short hair with inner buckle Nagano's style in the TV series made this first love short hair completely popular. The bangs over the eyebrows just show the shiny eyes, and the hair length is inside the chin to modify the edges and corners of the face to make the facial features look younger. Clip the hair on both sides behind the ears to make the lines more visible. Simple short hair that does not need to be taken care of will give you a semi-permanent beauty. Two, sister head In terms of styling, my sister's head is very refreshing and concise, and the hair ends are shred

Elegant, mature style, simple, high-grade, high-grade, perfect workplace travel

 For mature women, dressing should not be too age-reducing, it is not easy to wear high-grade clothes, nor too stable or even dull, it is easy to give people a sense of old age, how to grasp the degree of age reduction and calmness, it is a lot of mature women The key point of winter dressing. If you don’t have any inspiration for the time being, you might as well refer to the elegant winter clothes of this mature woman. Her "elegant light and mature style" is so popular. It is simple and high-grade, and you can travel in the workplace. Let’s take a look. ! 1. What should mature women wear Mature women are mostly between the ages of 35 and 50. Women at this stage in the workplace need to follow the mantra of "elegant simplicity, high formality" in dressing, and they also need to adopt the eight-character mantra of "elegance, simplicity and high-level formality". Some styles are relatively simple and generous, not picky and show aura of single products, suc

For the matching of small people, it is recommended to increase the waistline.

 Generally, for small people, it is recommended to increase the waistline, so that the visual effect of the lower limbs will be elongated, and the effect of long legs can be created, which can look tall. Because it is winter, it is inevitable to use a coat, and a short coat can satisfy the desired effect. The white short lamb velvet jacket, the two streamers in front of the collar are very cute and elegant. The bottom of the body is matched with pink track pants. The overall feeling of a small girl is also very suitable for the delicate feeling of a small girl. In the cold winter, thick coats will be especially popular. This kind of fluffy coats are very suitable. They are especially thick, and the material is soft to the touch. It is also very cute from a visual point of view. Because the jacket itself looks very thick, small girls try to choose light colors to avoid the dark color will be overweight, but you can put dark colors in the bottoms to form a contrast, and at the same time

The skills of inner length and outer length pay more attention to the version design of the dress

 The shirt skirt, which is a must-have for commuting, also gradually emerged. The pure and atmospheric white is embellished on the line-like shirt dress, and the feeling of being able and neat yet elegant comes into being in an instant. The neckline design can be used to decorate the shirt cutting. The sexy and charming V-neck and the handsome and stylish suit collar are excellent choices! The suspender dress needs to be worn as an outer wear. It can be worn alone or layered for an inner wear. If it is used for stacking, it is necessary to repair the style that is not tight in the choice of the inner layer. The close-fitting high-neck bottoming shirt is a good choice, and the suspender dress must also be cut at the waist, which is thin and at the same time. Improve the effect of waistline! I believe that there will be no shortage of floral dresses in every fashionable woman’s wardrobe. The floral elements have a particularly strong sense of fashion. It is not only loved by women of eve

10 dresses suitable for the beginning of spring to wear different styles every day

 What kind of existence is spring for everyone? It is the most anticipated season of the year, and it is the season when the creatures of the world are in full bloom. It is also the most beautiful moment for fashionable women to choose to wear. The feminine beauty exudes vividly! The dress is very tolerant. As long as the style is right, the large skirt can highlight the elegance, and it is also very helpful for women with insufficient legs. 10 dresses suitable for early spring to ensure that you are not heavy in a week and the upper body is too beautiful Up. Doll collar dresses are a must for sweet ladies. First, the doll collar has brought out the most beautiful side of women, and secondly, the collar fabric of the doll collar can be made of chiffon elements, which is fresh and fresh, and the lace edges are also detailed. Exquisite and elegant, the large skirt design perfectly covers the lack of fat waist and thick legs! The retro charm of the embroidered dress is very strong. The th

Good looks and good skin are raised! Have you got these 3 maintenance tips?

 The beauty of a woman is mostly determined by the state of her skin. A beautiful woman generally does not have bad skin. Even if her facial features are mediocre, she can still be transformed by makeup. In this world that advocates beauty, poor skin, acne, acne marks, enlarged pores, and spots on the face will affect our beauty. We all want a clean face and good skin, because as long as the face is clean and the skin is better, people will look good. And good skin is not made out of thin air. You must develop some good habits in your daily life. The skin is cultivated slowly. As long as you adhere to these three points every day, your skin will not be much more clean and white. Stick to morning and evening skin care The dry and cold air will accelerate the atrophy of skin moisture, in addition, the body's metabolism will slow down, and the skin's self-protection effect will also be weakened. Therefore, in winter when the air is already humid, it is necessary to replenish moist

Can the moisturizing mask be used as a moisturizing skin care product?

 The answer is no. First of all, the mechanism of the mask is to use the membrane cloth to isolate the air from the skin to create a vacuum space, and then the essence on the membrane cloth is absorbed into the skin without authorization. This mechanism can quickly replenish moisture to the skin. When the skin is dehydrated, it is definitely one of the most effective ways to use a moisturizing mask to replenish. However, can the mask be used every day like skin care products? No, because the water content of the stratum corneum of our skin has an upper limit. Once it reaches the upper limit, the resistance of the skin surface will not be destroyed. Therefore, applying more moisturizing masks will not have bad effects. Generally, skin care products are used every day, but for facial masks, 2-3 times a week is sufficient. If the skin condition is very bad, you can repair it later. For repairing masks such as KTS freeze-dried powder mask, you can take one sheet per day. After the skin is

What do you know about skin care tips in winter?

 Replenish water in time. We must drink plenty of water in the humid winter to ensure that the skin's moisture is supplied. Be careful not to wait until you feel timid. do you know? Water can help us to promote the excretion of metabolites in the body, and it can also adjust the pH value of the skin. In addition to replenishing water, we must also improve the skin's nutrition and strengthen water storage capacity, which requires us to add more collagen-rich vitamins every day Or mineral foods. Pay attention to your diet. Moisturizing is the Taoist principle of winter skin. We can eat more fruits or vegetables rich in vitamin C or vitamin E in our daily life, which can help us effectively increase the production of collagen in the skin and protect our skin from the humid environment in winter. Affect, thereby lock the moisture in the skin to keep the skin moisturized. Skin care during sleep. If you want to make your facial skin better, we should also pay attention to our sleep q

Skin care tips: women's beauty and skin care tips, do you know all this knowledge

 Don't use your hands to squeeze the acne: When we are in puberty, we always have some distressing acne, and we always want to squeeze the acne on our face with our hands. For some girls who love beauty, if they have pimples on their faces, they are not beautiful In fact, we don’t need to worry, as long as we keep clean and hygienic, these acne will gradually disappear by itself. What we must pay attention to is that we must not squeeze these acne with our hands, because it is very likely that the skin wound will come into contact with the bacteria in the hand, resulting in scars, which will form acne marks in the future, which will make it even more ugly. . Learn to smile: Many women have a lively and cheerful life, and usually hate the bustling, play a lot, especially hate laughing, or hate to make many other exaggerated expressions. Especially when making a mask, don't let yourself laugh too exaggeratedly. We can slowly try to learn to smile by ourselves, and even the number